One thing that bothers me considerably about the perceptions English and American people have of we French women is that we are only slim because we smoke like chimneys, mentioning that tobacco causes appetite-suppressing effects. This is nonsense. There are various reasons why a French woman is able to feel full on very little food. Firstly, her taste buds are able to discern the finest flavours and, if she follows this up by eating them, she gets her jollies primarily from the taste, rather than her stomach being stretched (as is the case with gluttonous American and British women), causing her to feel full. Secondly, France contains only the finest ingredients and recipes, combined with innately capable chefs, making this possible. I must point out that smoking is most unattractive to my way of thinking.
I recall Zoƫ Williams' article that I discussed in an earlier posting, where she said words to the effect that rather than rant like she was doing, a Frenchwoman would light up another fag and say, "bof". According to data at , the smoking rates in the USA are 26.3% and 21.5%, in the UK, they are 36.7% and 34.7% and 36.6% and 26.7% in France for men and women respectively. Granted, American data seems to be significantly lower, though it appears the smoking rates for British women are higher than for French women.
However, there is a huge difference in the obesity rate in France, according to the CIA's statistics at , which says that the USA's figure is 33%, the UK's figure is 26.9% and France's figure is a paltry 18.2%! Now, one could argue that there are lies, damned lies and statistics, but the suggestion that French women are only slim because they smoke so much is untrue: - firstly, it is not backed up by data and secondly, it is just an excuse for gluttonous American and British women to gorge themselves on gigantic quantities of food endlessly and avoid taking responsibility for being disgustingly obese.
I have some advice for such people: - slavishly replicate the French way of life so you can be effortlessly perfect like Frenchwomen. I have often mentioned my English mother. She openly admits that she was disgustingly overweight in her teenage years because she ate gigantic quantities of low quality food. She went on family holidays to France, though she didn't lose any weight then because she was still in her substandard English eating habits. However, she went to France on a week-long exchange visit with her secondary school during Year 10 (the year one attends in Britain when one is 14/15 years old). Though a week is not long enough to burn off huge quantities of flab, she lost a notable amount of weight in that week alone. She enjoyed that week so much that she asked if her exchange family would allow her to stay over her school's summer holidays: - her host family was immediately enthusiastic, as it greatly enjoyed her company. Her parents were initially reluctant, but she pestered them endlessly to agree to this until they caved in. She then spent her summer holidays in France and when she returned home, her father said, "You look like you're suffering from anorexia or bulimia!"
Silly Grandad! He didn't know that my mother's stay in France was the making of her as an effortlessly perfect Frenchwoman. When my mother was back in England, she was constantly lecturing her family members about how to cook properly and they grew grumpy, because hey, the truth hurts! Her French teacher was very pleased with her greatly improved performance though and scored the top grade in O-level French, going on to study French as part of her A-levels, again scoring the top grade. By the time she was halfway through her A-levels, she decided she was fed up of backward British attitudes and the general lack of sophistication, so she applied to French universities. The day she received her A-level results was the happiest day of her life, as her grades were more than good enough to get into her choice of university (in Marseille) and she was able to kiss goodbye to her unsophisticated homeland. She occasionally returned for important family events, such as weddings, funerals etc, but after departing for Marseille, she never returned to Britain for any length of time.
In other words, it is quite possible to be impossibly thin and perfect like a Frenchwoman: - my mother is testament to the fact that being impossibly perfect is possible. As mentioned in an earlier posting, she only eats the daintiest quantities of the highest quality of food and she will not take the lift or escalator unless her destination is at least 10 floors away. Also, she gains huge pleasure from eating dark chocolate and finds chocolate with less than 60% cocoa repulsive. She knows French cheeses inside out and can identify pretty much every French wine by its taste alone. She does everything in Mireille Guiliano's French Women's Manifesto. And she doesn't smoke.
To all the American and British women reading this posting, stop using the nonsensical idea that French women smoke all the time as an excuse for not accepting responsibility for your weight and be effortlessly perfect like we Frenchwomen!
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