
Fantastic news!

Apologies to my readers for taking so long to deliver the news.  I'll come straight to the point: - I am pregnant for the third time!  The baby is due to be born in the spring.  We have already had scans done that have revealed that we are expecting a third son!  I was delighted and so was Bilal: - he didn't waste time calling up his homies to brag about how he was a big enough man to accomplish this three times in quick succession!

I am doing most of my work from home at the moment: - I attend fashion shows, but I don't go to the office very often unless I need to.  Bilal persuaded me that as a self-employed successful businesswoman, I should exercise my right to do this, particularly with current technologies (I work using a hybrid tablet/laptop that uses mobile broadband).  With my third pregnancy and our oldest son walking and demanding lots of attention, he has been a bit worried about me lately, so I agreed I would spend more time at home to convince him I was relaxing, even though I have filled up much of the surplus time researching new fashions and hunting for the choicest ingredients in the markets!  MDR!

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